Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 7 Update

There is lots of things going on here at FMM.

Here are a few things to be aware of:

1. Math Enrichment Classes begin next week Monday for Grade 9's. All are encouraged to attend whether they have Math this semester for not. These classes will prepare students for the EQAO test in January and then in June for second semester Math students.

2. October 29 - Halloween Howl. Details to come. We are collecting non-perishable goods for the less fortunate as part of the Halloween celebrtions so please participate and bring in an item or two.

3. Our ELL article for the next FMM newsletter.

FMM has had a healthy intake of new English Language Learners and our numbers are at approximately seventy three with nineteen sections and five teachers. These include Ms. Selvakumar, Ms. Corazza, Ms. Kerilla, Mr. Hospedales and Ms. Spicer.

The ELL students have settled nicely into their classes after adjusting timetables to ensure that each student is most suited and comfortable in her/his courses; a big thank you to Guidance especially Ms. Castriota councillor for ELL students. The ELL centre has improved the computer lab, and purchased five new computers with slim screens. The SMART Board is used everyday, and the members of the ELL Department are pleased with the technological progress.

This year Mrs. Westmaas is the Administrator overseeing the ELL portfolio. Gateway To McGivney was a tremendous success with the Spiritual Nature Walk through Edwards Gardens. Also the feedback session for the excellent NOW Program (Newcomers Orientation Week) went off without a hitch. The FMM Settlement worker Subing Ng has returned to school to finish her degree in Social work. Her farewell party organized by ELL students was most touching, and we wish Subing good luck as we await her return. Welcome to Carmen Chen the new settlement worker for FMM.

Have a great week!

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