Monday, March 25, 2013

The Week of March 25 - Holy Week

We are now into Holy Week.

Students, Parents, and Guardians need remember that there are no classes on:

Good Friday - Friday March 29
Easter Monday - Monday April 1

Classes resume on Tuesday April 2.

Students taking the after school OSSLT Preparation classes must remember that it is every Tuesday and Thursday - March 26 & 28 this week.

 These classes are for you, so make every effort to be there. They start back again when we get back on Tuesday April 2.

The OSSLT will be written on Thursday April 18.

Here is the video of inspiration for this week.  It also pays tribute to the many who lost their lives to this terrible disease (ALS) and the families and friends that supported them.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Week of March 18 - Welcome Back from March Break 2013

Welcome back from the break everyone!

We hope you had a restful and productive break. Things are now back in full swing and you need to stay on top of your homework, assignments, and studying for your tests.

The Grade 10 Literacy Preparation course starts Tuesday March 19 for all students eligible to write the OSSLT on Thursday April 11.

The classes take place after school from 2:45 - 3:45 pm.

All students have received a registration form with all of the dates for the classes (essentially every Tuesday and Thursday) right up until the OSSLT test day.

Students need to submit their forms by the start of the first class - tomorrow (March 19).

Have a great week!

Here is this week's video of inspiration.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Week of March 4th

This is the final week before the March Break (March 11-15) so it should be a very busy time for everyone - completing assignments, studying for tests, and so on.

Our school is playing host to some OFSAA AA Basketball games during the day on Monday and Tuesday. Feel free to stop by to watch some of the best teams in Ontario.

We will have our FMM Memorial Liturgy on Thursday. It is always a special event with members of the Knights of Columbus in attendance.

Once again, some members of our school community will be heading to Jamaica to do some mission work.

Take a look at what they did last year.

Have a great week and a safe and restful March Break!

Classes resume on Monday March 18.

Here are a few photos from last week's Diversity Week.