It was great meeting all the parents and guardians last week during the Parent/Teacher Interview Night. Please feel free to maintain contact will your child's teachers until the end of the semester. The phone number at the school is 905 472 4961.
Here is a preview of what will happen during the next few weeks.
April, 26 - 30, 2010 - BULLYING AWARENESS WEEK
April 27 - 28, 2010 - Bullying Awareness presentations to Gr. 9 Religion classes
April 29, 2010 - PERIOD 1 - PEER MENTORSHIP - Gr. 9's to attend Think Day Presentation
May 3 - 6, 2010 - HEALTH WEEK
CLASS VISITS: Gr. 9 Mon. May 3, 2010 - Period 4
Gr. 10 Tues. May 4, 2010 - Period 4
Gr. 11 Wed. May 5, 2010 - Period 4
Gr. 12 Thurs. May 6, 2010 - Period 4
May 3 - 7, 2010 - MARKETING FAIR, SLAM Training
May 9, 2010 - MOTHER'S DAY
May 10 - 14, 2010 - OSAID WEEK
May 11, 2010 - Period 1 & 2 - Optional Presentation for Accident Awareness - Gr. 9 or 11
May 12, 2010 - PERIOD 1 - Gr. 10 & 12 MADD assembly in the caf. (we may have to extend period 1 by 10 minutes)
May 14, 2010 - SENIOR PROM
May 17, 2010 - Peer Mentor Training (after school)
May 19, 2010 - Peer Mentorship Session (Gr. 9 Rookie Rumble)
May 20, 2010 - INTERNATIONAL LIVE AID (evening)
May 21, 2010 - Spring Fling 5 km Run
May 24, 2010 - VICTORIA DAY
May 25 - 28, 2010 - Student Council Elections
May 27, 2010 - Catholic School Council Meeting
May 28, 2010 - Selection of grade 9 Peer Mentors (announced)